Quick Consult™

In the past decade of our experience, most of the individuals or companies we have talked to have shied away from getting a proper business valuation or engaging a proper corporate advisor for a variety of reasons. We have covered a variety of topics and some of these underlying reasons within the articles in our knowledgebase.

In many cases, clients have approached us far too late in the process resulting in unnecessary additional costs.

Be it a contentious divorce lawsuit or a promising startup looking to raise funds, we never want the reason of avoiding a timely health checkup to be that of cost. We hope to avoid this regrettable situation.

As such, we are happy to present our QuickConsult™ solution for only 99 Singapore Dollars.

Whilst the Big 4 have exorbitant overheads to cover and might quote a minimum of a six-figure sum to perform a simple valuation or a basic corporate advisory job, quite often all a client needs is the right guidance and direction at key milestones in their business journey.

Over here at Gifted Group, we use our decades of experience to clearly distill a framework for the client. Our staff all come from prestigious ivy-league universities and equivalents such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford & University of Pennsylvania and have had global experience in large investment banks.

With a QuickConsult™ we can save you lots of time and additional costs down the road. Our satisfied clients is proof of our success.

Please contact us here to register your interest.

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